Ozark Chinquapin Seeds

These seeds came in from the Ozark Chinquapin Foundation earlier in the year. One is instructed to keep them in a bag in the fridge in lightly moist loose soil media, taking it out and aerating / stirring every week as the roots emerge. Here the roots are barely peeking out. In spring after frost they can be planted with precautions including a tree tube and a mesh staked into the ground. They are very high in protein so wildlife tend to devour them.

I still am unsure where this is going into the ground given the recent move, so holler if you covet an excellent mast crop tree and a reliable place for it. They prefer excellent drainage, and they’re not self fertile so need at least two in a given place. Old growth chinquapins are believed to have grown to upwards of 60 ft.

Previous year’s attempts were thwarted by not having the ground cleared, not having enough battery life to clear the ground when power tools were available (vs tick precautions this very much constrains the schedule) and then turns out the place was getting gutted for arable fields anyway, etc. There’s a coal chat pile at family property that’s the new candidate if I don’t find a place in town, although it’s overgrown with oak and they might have to clear ground to remove some debris parked up there. I’m equipped with a pole saw and a brush cutter but I’m not set up for felling trees or moving big items. Sigh.

They used to be more abundant like the other chestnut species before chestnut blight severely damaged the wild protein availability of north american forests. Chestnuts proper linger in old root stock but haven’t managed to produce viable seeds without dieback, the Ozark chinquapin had some healthy outliers with a degree of resistance to blight so the foundation has been conducting a breeding program and makes seeds available.

Some photos from their website.

Barbarian sketches 001

For D&D presently I’m borrowing from this older, more arctic design I never really got to play at length. A Moby Dick Queequeg type orc. Large, tattooed beefcake carrying a harpoon / spear.

The present campaign is very pirate-themed. This new character Iosefa is a fisherman from an island fishing village, aiming for the Queequeg inspiration again. It’s 5th Edition and we started characters at Level 3 so I needed to pick a Barbarian variant from the player’s manual to play and I wanted him to have good swimming abilities so he’s Totem of the Orca and can can ritual spellcast for unencumbered movement in water, breathing underwater, etc. More importantly the aim is to channel that yacht body-slamming energy. DM was feeling out an Aquaman vibe and a Roman gladiator retiarius aesthetic, so he also has a net and a magic conch.

I reckon I’ll continue to have fun designing and redesigning the tattoos, I could even directly illustrate gameplay scenes in the tats as I go. Alternately there’s opportunity to set up visual details in anticipation of narrative or character dialogue. (See sexy mermaid below)

Intent to Blog

I’m intending to use sporadic and piecemeal blog entries for smaller sketches, process developments, art pieces, and interesting encounters. If I can successfully backdate entries, might be interesting way to catalog a few items. Probably expect garden photos.

Plein Air at Springfield Conservation Nature Center

Animation is Concentration

An excerpt from Richard Williams’ The Animator’s Survival Kit that stands out in my mind. It bears out mostly, depending on the complexity of a task, energy level for the day, etc. Laundry and dishes are still podcast time.